
Updates to site will be made as and when the creator has time due to working night shifts

This site is a how to based site to tell people how to make apps and scripts in different programing languages and to teach people about these programing languages weither you want to create closed source or open source programs

C# updates will be made soon.

What is open source software

Open source software refers to the computer software which source is open means the general public can access and use. In short it is referred as OSS. The source code of open source software is public. It uses the code freely available on the Internet. This code can be modified by other users and organizations means that the source code is available for anyone to look at. The price of open source software is very less and there is no so much restrictions on users based on usability and modification of software.

Some examples of open source software are Firefox, OpenOffice, Gimp, Alfresco, 

What is closed source software

Closed source software refers to the computer software which source code is closes means public is not given access to the source code. In short it is referred as CSS. In closed source software the source code is protected. The only individual or organization who has created the software can only change it. The price of closed source software is high and users need to have valid and authenticated license to use the software. As is issues an authenticated license so it also put a lot restrictions on users based on usability and modification of software.

Some examples of closed source software are Skype, Google earth, Java, Adobe Flash, Virtual Box, Adobe Reader, Microsoft office, Microsoft Windows, WinRAR, mac OS, Adobe Flash Player etc.